A straightforward clipping mechanism You should look for a Gravel Grid system that has a straightforward but secure clipping mechanism. You can quickly clip the 500 mm square Gravel rings gravel grids together and lay them out according to the shape of the landscape you are working on with a simple but sturdy clip-fastening mechanism. The Gravel rings system can be utilized quickly and easily by existing staff because no specialized knowledge or skills are required.

Gravel rings grids can also be assembled in 1 m2 sheets and interlock with the Grass rings grass protection system in areas where gravel is adjacent to grass.

Compatible fixing pins The gravel retention system will remain securely in place if you pair it with compatible fixing pins. When working with Gravel rings gravel grids, you should always use Gravel rings fixing pins. Depending on the application and the conditions of the site, one pin per square meter is a good starting point.

Integral mesh backing An integral mesh backing allows silts and other fines to flow through, but it stops loose aggregate from getting under the panel and eventually damaging the surface finish. The integral gravel mesh base of Gravel rings keeps weeds from growing and keeps gravel from migrating and accumulating in silt.

Permeability In 2008, after it was discovered that non-porous Plastic Gravel Grids were increasing the volume of rainwater flowing into storm drains and overwhelming the system, severe flooding led to a change in the rules for laying driveways. Gravel rings is a Su DS-compliant, fully permeable gravel retention system that lets water soak into the ground through the surface.

Environmental credentials Gravel grid systems will not harm the natural environment, despite the fact that environmental activists have a right to focus on single-use plastic. Gravel rings are designed to adhere to low-carbon principles and contribute to sustainability. 

They make less room for harmful carbon-intensive materials like concrete and more room for natural systems made of 100% recycled plastic. Gravel rings also cut down on reflective heat and pollution of waterways.

Strength and adaptability The gravel grid retention system you choose must withstand the rigors of installation and use. The gravel grids need to be able to adapt to the contours of the landscape on which the gravel driveway will be laid and be able to withstand both pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Gravel rings grids have a circular design, making them the strongest gravel driveway grids on the market. When filled, they can carry more than 350 tonnes per square meter.


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